SEPE website with the inSuit accessibility tool activated.

Why eGovernment must be accessible

Nowadays, accessible e-government services are more common than they ever were. With the advent of new information technologies, a variety of sectors have moved to take full advantage of the benefits offered by the digital age.

With an aim to making these advances available to the population at large, Spanish parliament passed Law 11/2007, of 22 June, on Electronic Access to Public Services for all Citizens. This law ensures the right of electronic access to the services provided by the government.

This is an important action on the part of government bodies which are seeing the advantages of offering the public online offices that simplify the delivery of services to citizens.

Eliminate the need to travel to government offices to access services

This has a direct and positive impact on people with disabilities, as well as on the elderly community. They are the ones who will enjoy such public services regardless of the limiting circumstances of their environment, eliminating the need to travel to government offices to receive the services they need, and thereby simplifying their life considerably.

But the benefits do not end there; there are other advantages, including user satisfaction in  browsing experience, significant cost reduction, and improved environmental impact.

This no doubt represents a good way to offer society at large an option that facilitates administrative procedures and access to relevant information; and all of which accessed and managed from the comfort of one’s home or any other location, at any time or day of the week.

As it is accessible, e-government benefits everyone by making public services much more efficient. This contributes greatly to modernization and innovation of such services as well allowing them to further adapt to the different needs of the population.

Accessibility in e-government services benefits all of us

And so, accessible e-government services have arrived for good. Now this is a broad concept that encompasses a series of measures seeking the greatest number of benefits for citizens, ensuring end user independence and satisfaction.

For the government, this means that web accessibility has quickly becomea key factor in the development of multi-channel products and services that are inclusive, promote social collaboration and help to bridge the digital gap, bringing us closer to a barrier-free digital world.

Two elderly people looking at a computer screen

As a result, accessibility in online offices has become vitally important, having a direct impact on the entire population. Reaching not only people who frequently encounter barriers in their environment, but many others as well.

That is why we would like to share some recommendations for those wanting to develop truly accessible electronic offices.

8 recommendations in the development of accessible e-government services

Below is a list of eight recommendations we would like to share with anyone looking to develop a website containing an accessible e-government office:

Web accessibility benefits everyone! The use of inclusive digital services and the benefits they bring to all their users makes web accessibility an urgent need that only gains more significance every day.

So, if you are interested in making your online offices fully accessible, contact us! We would be thrilled to help you make the change as simply and as efficiently as possible.