InSuit's AA web accessibility certification

inSuit aa certification logo according to the requirements of wcag 2.2

What is inSuit’s AA certification?

InSuit’s AA accessibility certification certifies that a website meets all the requirements of the international WCAG 2.2 guidelines at its AA level.

Once certified, said website will comply with the international web accessibility guidelines of the W3C in its latest version WCAG 2.2 at its AA level, which corresponds to the levels of the following regulations:

in Spain – Royal Decree 1112/2018.

in Europe – European Directives: 2016/2012 and 2019/882.

and internationally – W3C international guidelines on accessibility.

These guidelines are equivalent to the European technical standard EN 301549 and its Spanish equivalent UNE-EN 301549. InSuit’s AA certification will also allow the company that owns the website to ensure alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

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    Discover the accessibility level of your website for free:

    With inSuit’s AA certification, your website will comply with the following web accessibility standards and regulations:

    How do I obtain inSuit's AA certification?

    Certification is a simple, guided process:

    For a website to obtain certification, our team of accessibility and technological usability experts will first need to perform an audit of accessibility and technological usability and verify that the detected errors in accessibility required by the W3C have been resolved to pass the certification process. Our team of consultants will check in at every step of the process to help resolve these errors in the most appropriate way, with an aim to ensuring conformance to the regulations.

    an executive reviewing a sheet of paper with statistical data in front of his laptop

    How do I prove that I have received inSuit’s AA certification?

    notary seal on top of certified document

    Once your website has passed the inSuit AA certification process, the following supporting elements will be delivered:

    • InSuit’s AA certification logo: A banner to add to your website to let users know your website conforms to accessibility regulations.
    • InSuit’s AA certification document: A PDF document with the legal certification text and that detailing the regulations to which the website conforms.
    • InSuit’s AA web hosting certification: A publicly accessible text, hosted on our web servers, that details compliance with the certification.

    1200 + web portals use inSuit

    Some references:

    logo consum
    logo de global omnium
    logo del ayuntamiento de Torrent logo
    Logo de la Región de Murcia

    Do you want inSuit’s AA certification for your website?

    Before you do, discover your website’s accessibility level for free: