What is a Smart Tourism Destination and why is web accessibility so important to it?
23 February 2021
inSuit celebrates its 10th anniversary! We want to celebrate by looking back at all we have achieved together.
inSuit celebrates its 10th anniversary! We want to celebrate by looking back at all we have achieved together.
Social Technology Foundation (Fundación Tecnología Social, FTS) and inSuit have signed an agreement to promote the active dissemination of the problems associated to website accessibility at the global scale, and to promote the implementation and use of tools that ensure access to website content and services for the elderly and people with disabilities.
FTS is a not-for-profit organization which carries out a number of activities, including ensuring better access and usability of the environment and communication for all, taking into account the special needs of individuals with functional diversity, those who are elderly, or particular social groups that are marginalised or at risk of becoming marginalised. This organisation also focuses on the study, research and analysis of the various aspects that come into play in the interaction between technology andthe process of aging and functional diversity of individuals.
In addition, FTS organises numerous events and activities to foster the use of social technology, including the International Meeting on Technology and Social Responsibility, a recent conference which saw the participation of inSuit, as reported in this post.