Social Technology Foundation and inSuit join forces to support universal website accessibility
25 June 2015
inSuit and the Cerebral Palsy Association of Alicante (APCA) have signed a collaborative agreement the objective of which being to actively raise awareness on the issue of web accessibility worldwide, and to promote the adoption of accessibility tools such as inSuit to guarantee access to web content and services for people with disabilities as well as the elderly.
APCA is a not-for-profit association designated an Organisation of Common Public Interest in 1984, its objective being to improve the quality of life of people with cerebral palsy and similar types of disabilities, through integrated and specialised care.
In the province of Alicante, there is no other centre specialising in the care of people with cerebral palsy and related disabilities, making the APCA a model in this field and the only resource for persons with these disabilities.
As part of this agreement, APCA has incorporated inSuit into its web page and participates as collaborator and promotor of this powerful accessibility technology.